Wake Up Call! – Walk Lightly

To walk lightly and laugh at yourself creates space for the breath of life to flow through you unplugged.
When I arrived at my friend Joan’s house she pointed to herself and said, “Look at my pretty slippers and saggy shirt.” Then she laughed and added, “I guess this is how I am today.”
Joan reminded me of the choices I face each day about how to be.
There is seriousness about Joan’s engagement with life, her family and work. Her ability to laugh at her appearance or something silly she has said reflects the lightness with which she approaches each day.
I left Joan’s house reflecting on how the breath of life freely courses its way through her. It is infectious and inviting. I wonder in whom I will experience that spirit of the Universe today – and who might notice it in me.
Offer the cares that bolt your feet and spirit to the ground to the Universe
Allow the creative breath of life to be present in your laughter
Notice how your choice to walk lightly opens your being to the joy and laughter of the freely coursing breath of life.
Share a story about walking lightly here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor