Wake Up Call! – Your Goodness

Living into your goodness invites others to do the same.
I once lived with the assumption that I was not as good as others. It was a sweeping assumption grounded in unexamined notions of unworthiness and harsh judgment. I assumed this was normal until I was challenged by the disconnect of it all.
I could choose to continue with such a half-life or begin to discover the goodness in me.
A wise person worked with me to name and celebrate the goodness within. With each naming my resistance mellowed and a new appreciation emerged as the new normal.
Instead of an exercise in narcissism I discovered that living into my goodness is an invitation to discover the goodness in others. What goodness will I be surprised by today?
Name and celebrate something good about you
Appreciate the good in another
Notice how you begin to live with a currency of goodness anticipated and cultivated.
Share a story about goodness here.
Transform Your Life! – cut the drama! Robert on Emotional Mojo
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2014 Robert V. Taylor