Nourish life-affirming energy in you and others.
I was engaged and energized by a conversation with a colleague this week. It seemed as though we were playing off each other’s life-giving energy even as we spoke about a difficult issue. Was our conversation a well of nourishment?
My choices about where to offer my energy matters greatly.
Later that day I was aware enough to disengage from a talk with someone who life-sapping energy was present in every sentence that she uttered.
The result is a sharpened awareness of being present to the energy in me and others that nourishes life. It is a lifeline to the creating energy of the Universe itself. Will my gratitude for such energy allow me to be present to it in each moment of this day? Th
- Be present to the well of energy that nourishes
- Be aware of the choices you make about who to spend time with
Notice how life-affirming energy engages your spirit and imagination!
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