Wake Up Call! – A Broken Heart?

My heart is like a bowl of broken shards after the Connecticut massacre.
Watching or reading news about this tragedy I cry. For the children and adults killed; for the families; for the random madness of it all; for the cumulative loss of lives in gun rampages this year; for ourselves.
I could choose to be overwhelmed by the shards of a shattered heart but instead I cradle them wondering what they reveal.
Like many, loss and tragedy is not foreign to me or people I’ve worked with over the decades. Each shard seems to have the insistent question embossed on it, “How much more of this will we allow?”
I’m not sure what the result of this will mean for me and others. I know I’m inspired by the hero teachers and community gathering as one. There is new urgency and awareness about our inter-connectedness. As each broken shard of my heart heals the lesions invite me to ask with new eyes what love in action means. How will I allow my heart to lead me to be a partner in new life for all?
With a broken heart:
Allow yourself to be present to the shards
In breathing exercises or meditation be aware of oneness with others
Invite the broken shards to reveal new expressions of love
Notice how your authenticity about a broken heart invites new tenderness and compassion to be revealed in the scars.
Share your story of responding to a broken heart here.
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor