Wake Up Call! – Allowing Awe

Allowing awe to be present in your day expands your appreciation of time and space.
I drove across the Satus Pass in Eastern Washington this week and pulled off the road a few times to take in the views of the shifting scenery. In the stillness and captivating beauty of the terrain I noticed my sense of awe at the vistas.
I could have chosen to keep on driving to my appointment in Portland but instead chose be present to the awe.
My focus on the meeting ahead was paused as awe reminded me of my place in the ecosystem and rhythm of the Universe.
The result was a reminder of how my choice to be awake to the awe of life around me enlivens my own sense of purpose and life. My well-being is nurtured by awe as it sparks my creativity and imagination. My immediate concerns become part of a larger perspective. I resumed my journey with thankfulness for the pause.
In cultivating awe:
Invite awareness of awe each day
Be awake to the unexpected moments to be in awe
Allow yourself to be in the presence of the expansive moment
Express gratitude for each moment of awe
Notice how the surprises of awe enliven you and fill you with gratitude.
Share your experiences of awe here.
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor