Wake Up Call! – An Expansive You

Cultivating your voice expands your own humanity and that of others.
Fran said she has spent most of her life not wanting to infringe on the views of others. It has meant not sharing her opinions. Reading A New Way to Be Human she received an invitation to think of her voice as a vital part of the human story and her own aliveness.
She faced a choice to keep living with a squelched voice or to begin to appreciate and cultivate her voice.
In familiar environments with friends and her brother, Fran has made a conscious choice to share stories with them from her own experience of life. She begins each day by inviting herself to be present to the Universe and the opportunities to express her thought and feelings about a given situation.
The result is what Fran calls “my new birth moments.” She is discovering that those closest to her are eager to hear her voice and she in turn is appreciating their voices in new ways. “The more I keep testing my voice the more I trust it. I’ve begun to appreciate the scared revealed in our shared voices” she says.
In cultivating your voice:
Be present to the opportunities to trust your voice in situations you have not imagined before
Invite awareness of what your voice reveals
Appreciate the expanded way of being human as your voice engages with that of others
Express gratitude for your voice
Notice how your connection with others, the Holy and yourself is expanded and deepened.
Share your experiences cultivating your voice here.
Order A New Way to Be Human at B&N, Amazon or your Indie store
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor