Wake Up Call! – Be Present to Love

Be present to the love of others and be renewed by the Universe’s pulse of love.
Our wedding was imagined as a celebration of the lives of those who nurture and fill us with gladness. Generous friends opened their home for our guests to feast and be together on the day before and after the wedding.
I could have seen the three days as a moveable feast but discovered that it was that and more.
In the circles of conversation, the telling of stories and the bringing together of relationships that have spanned years and decades I was filled with gratitude.
The gift of our marriage celebration was the reminder that love renews itself and us when we are present to it. How will you be present to love renewing itself in you and your relationships today?
Be present to the love of others today.
Be attentive to the gift revealed in loving friendships.
Notice how your life is part of the Universe’s pulse of love.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor