Wake Up Call! – Beauty


Celebrate and honor the beauty within you.

“I’ve spent a lifetime comparing myself to the beauty of other people” said Cyndi adding, “I felt like a vampire trying to appropriate the beauty and goodness of others.” In a meditation class she was offered the word “Beauty” to meditate on.

Instead of pushing back against the word she intuitively understood her need to engage with it.

As Cyndi paid attention to her breath and body the chatter of old conversations about her lack of beauty began to be muted.

The result is that Cyndi has become aware of the beauty that exists in the gifts she has. It is celebrated in her ability to bring people together; honored in the warmth with which she puts patients at ease in her practice. She says, “Celebrating beauty within me I now appreciate the beauty of others instead of envying or lusting for it.”


  • Engage in spiritual or meditative practices about beauty

  • Offer negative images of yourself to the Universe

  • Be awake to beauty in your gifts and name them

Notice how celebrating the beauty within you honors your relationship with yourself, others and the Holy.

Share a story about beauty here.

How do your stories shape your heart? – Dad, Welcome as You Are

Check out – Reboot Your Life: How to make a New Habit Permanent

Is disillusionment a positive gift?watch Robert’s TEDx Talk

Here are 3 Reasons to Share Your Story

A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.

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©2013 Robert V. Taylor

Written by Robert Taylor