Wake Up Call! – Being Awed!

Simple pleasures invite awe.
I was out early taking my dog Lucy for a walk. Unlike many of our walks I was preoccupied and wanted her ablutions to be completed quickly. As I looked to my left the morning sunrise had turned the sky into a brilliant blood orange color. I stopped – entranced by the beauty of it. As I turned to look for Lucy a rainbow was in the sky behind me.
Instead of resting in my preoccupation I entered into the awe of the moment.
Minutes later the rainbow was gone and the color of the sky was had become a dusky blue. I continued to walk slowly filled with awe and thankfulness for what I had experienced.
As I headed to my office my preoccupations seemed less important. The awe was more than just a pause in the day; it reminded to be present to awe wherever it presents itself.
Be present to moments of awe
Take time to savor the awe
Notice how the rhythm of your day changes when simple pleasures invite you to be awed.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor