Wake Up Call! – Choosing Delight

Delight presents itself to me in unexpected moments of being present to life.
I did not expect a trip to buy a wok to remind me of delight. The sales clerk, a woman in her mid-seventies, asked if I enjoyed cooking. She was radiant in telling me about her new husband and his love of cooking. “When I get off work I can’t wait to just be with him over a meal before he goes to his night shift” she said.
I remembered a season in my life when delight was less present than in the choices I make now to be present to delight each day.
The sales clerk exuded a playful joy about simple moments of delight and pleasure present in everyday meals and conversation. I was reminded that the ordinary tasks and rhythm of life are where the Universe grabs my attention.
The result is a renewed focus on welcoming and naming delight as a choice for life. Whether in my dog’s playfulness, a friend’s good news, an unexpected phone call, a wise word from another or watching the sunrise, delight fills me with gratitude for today.
Choose delight:
Invite yourself to be present and aware of it each day
Name and give thanks for the daily experiences of delight
Notice how your life is enlivened by choosing the circle of delight each day.
Share your story of delight here.
Take Charge of Your Life – click here to watch the video
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©2013 Robert V. Taylor