Wake Up Call! – Choose a Word for the New Year

Choose a word as your mantra and guide for a new way to be in the New Year.
I gave up on New Year resolutions when I realized that they were quickly consigned to a closet to gather dust. Yet the dawn of each New Year continued to present a persistent nagging invitation to embrace the year ahead with new intentionality.
I could have chosen to treat this with nostalgic wistfulness but instead chose to be open to a new ritual and possibility.
A conversation with a wise friend led me to wonder what it would be like to select a word as my companion, truth-bearer, friend, and mantra for the year ahead. A new practice for choosing a new way to be in the year ahead was begun.
The result is a yearlong journey infinitely more enlivening than the failed resolutions of the past! Among the words that I and others have chosen are creativity, awareness, imagination, love and friendship. Each day I reflect on the chosen word with openness to its insights. I approach 2013 with my chosen word of Awe filled with expectation.
Embrace the New Year:
Select a word that will enliven your yearnings or take you to the edge of your fears
Place the word in a visible place so it becomes your companion
Reflect or think about it each day; allow it to percolate
Offer weekly thanks for the insights it offers
Notice how your chosen word shifts, molds and illuminates how you chose to be.
Share your story of embracing a New Year here.
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor