Wake Up Call! – Embracing Life

My greatest inspirations are people who embrace life as a result of their own losses.
Francine’s abiding curiosity and passion about life has always been striking to me. She seldom talks about herself but told me that the hardship of her childhood years and the suicide of her son framed her life as series of choices about intentionally choosing life.
Her clarity inspires me in the choices I make each day.
Francine sparkles when she talks about those who do their bit of goodness in the world. Her curiosity about their work is insatiable.
In the choices life presents each day Francine is like a guide reminding me of the gifts of curiosity, goodness and engagement. Today I will choose to be present to life.
Be aware of what guides your choices
Be mindful about making choices that are life-giving
Notice how curiosity, goodness and engagement frame your experience of life.
Share a story about being inspired to choose life here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor