Wake Up Call! – Finding Humor

Finding humor in challenging moments transforms you and the situation!
In the last months of our Mom’s life my brother and I noticed the increasing frequency with which she said “Yes, dear.” This all too familiar phrase of hers to dismiss us or our suggestions did not seem helpful at first.
We could have chosen a path of exasperated frustration but instead discovered humor in the phrase.
“Yes, dear” soon peppered the conversations my brother and I had about our Mom. The humor of it created space to step back from challenging moments with affection and compassion. In her final weeks our Mom even discovered the humor of her phrase.
In the midst of the sadness of preparing for my mother’s death, tough decisions were leavened by affectionate humor. Instead of reliving family history or drama we became aware of grace and love. What humor illumines your life?
Be aware of how challenging situations can consume you.Discover gentle, affectionate humor in the situation
Notice how humor leavens a situation and illuminates it with new light.
Share a story about humor here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2014 Robert V. Taylor