Wake Up Call – For Goodness Sake!

The energy of your goodness helps to polish the world
Rene and his kids were at a supermarket buying groceries to be delivered to needy families for Thanksgiving. The clerk commented on the purchase. Dealing with a stressful day and trying to get his kids to a choir rehearsal Rene was focused on getting out of the store quickly.
Rene could have chosen not to engage in conversation but instead chose to talk about why this purchase was important to his family.
He said, “When I told her who they were for she beamed and the way she packed them seemed different; she was personally sending a blessing to the recipients.” The shift in energy was palpable.
The result is that Rene has new appreciation for how a small act of goodness and conversation about it invites others to be participants in polishing the world. Back in the same store a few days later with his kids the same clerk called out to him, “Thank you” she said, “Because of our conversation I also got a list from the food pantry so I could buy food for others.”
In every conversation and encounter:
Be aware of daily invitations into goodness
Appreciate how your choice to engage with goodness shifts the energy of each encounter
Be thankful for every small opportunity to polish the world
Notice how your engagement with goodness enlivens your life and that of others as you collectively polish the world.
Share your story of goodness at work here.
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor