Wake Up Call! – Forgiveness is Good For You

Forgiveness is good for your health and well-being.
Sitting across the table from a family member I felt unexpected sadness and anger about her words and judgments used to demonize me. I’d forgiven her years ago but there I was wrestling anew wit emotions stirred up in me. She was being charming and had no conscious memory of what she had once done.
I could choose to be embraced by an old hurt or be reminded that forgiveness was necessary again.
To forget her actions was not a truthful choice. But I knew that without forgiving her I would diminish my own life and health.
As I sat across from her offering silent words of forgiveness I was able to be present to the now even as I understood that it was not safe to be vulnerable with her. In the weeks that followed I was reminded of the loving freedom that results when I choose to forgive.
Remember that forgiveness is good for your health and well-being
Choose to either be owned by a past injury or live in the freedom of forgiving
Notice how forgiveness creates a more generous and loving path for your life.
Share a story about forgiveness here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2014 Robert V. Taylor