Wake Up Call! – Free of Your Fear?
What we do with our fears is more telling than the fear itself.
Something clicked with my three year old nephew. Always fearful about the pool he was willing to go in with me a few weeks ago. As we splashed about his reluctance gave way to comfort and soon he was playing water games with the other kids his age.
We could have chosen to stick with trying to get his toes in the water but instead he chose to wade in the water.
The following week he took his first swimming lesson and now he relishes every opportunity to be in the pool. His delight about the water is infectious.
Splashing in the water and laughing, my nephew reminds me that what we do with any of our fears is how we discover freedom from them. How will you choose to live beyond your fears and who might you trust to walk you through them?
What fear do you need to wade through and beyond?
Who will you choose to walk through your fear with?
Notice how each time you move beyond a fear you shed a limitation and discover new life.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor