Wake Up Call! – Freedom in Forgiving

Forgiving is about remembering and choosing not to seek payback. It is a choice to seek freedom.
I ran into someone who had once led a malicious agenda against me that disrupted my life in unexpected ways. Years ago I had chosen to forgive him. The unexpected encounter brought back memories of a bad experience and a desire to say something. His determination to not engage was clear!
I was surprised at the vivid presence of old memories. Without forgetting them I remembered why forgiveness is a recurring choice.
Feeling tenderness for the many whose lives had been affected by his agenda, I offered him to the care of the Universe with intentions for the collective well-being of all affected.
I was reminded that forgiving is a choice to not live as a victim of past injuries; a choice to continue to to be forgiving about a particular circumstance. My step felt lighter and my heart open to the freedom of the future.
Will you choose to be consumed by the desire for payback or the freedom of forgiveness?
Be aware that your choice affects who you are.
Notice how forgiveness opens your life to new freedom.
Share a story about forgiveness here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor