Wake Up Call! – Gratitude for Mistakes

Expressing gratitude for the mistakes of my life is an invitation to be renewed.
Although I practice intentional gratitude each day I was surprised by the insistent urge to use the last weeks of 2012 to focus on specific people to be grateful for. I began with gratitude for those I love, for the people in my life who have died, for those I’ve met on the book tour. One day I woke up thinking, “This is the day to give thanks for the mistakes I’ve made this year.” It felt like work!
I could have chosen to ignore this but instead saw it as an invitation to shed light on the journey.
I wondered if I’d be tempted to fall back into a long discarded habit of berating myself. Allowing the mistakes to percolate, I discovered that in my learning’s from them my mind was filled with images of those who have walked and worked through them with me.
The results have included tenderness to me and amusement about mistakes that have not harmed others. My gratitude for the love, challenges and delight of those who have been my truth-bearers is abundant. An abundance of gratitude made possible by my own missteps and mistakes!
To be grateful for mistakes:
Allow the mistakes to percolate and greet you
Be present to what you have learned
Enter into gratitude for those who have journeyed with you
Be tender toward yourself
Notice how the mistakes invite you to new appreciation of yourself and the life-giving circle of others.
Share your story of gratitude for mistakes here.
Have you chosen your word for the New Year yet? Click here
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©2013 Robert V. Taylor