Wake Up Call! – Grief & Celebration

Allowing grief and celebration to coexist creates space for life giving truths to emerge.
I’ve been mourning Nelson Mandela and our loss of him. I’m also celebrating his wisdom, life and example. At moments my mourning and celebration seem to have me in two different orbits.
In choosing to acknowledge both reactions I allow myself to be present to the light that each one sheds.
As I plumb the depths of my grief I realize that Madiba’s death is like losing a wise sage in my family. In celebrating his words and acts of generosity I’m pulled in by their simple towering power.
A new awareness of an old truth emerges. The very loss that I cherish about his life is in our collective hands. Surely the way that grief and celebration are honored is revealed by how we speak and act in the irreversible march for freedom?
Be attentive to what grief and celebration reveal in your life
Allow yourself to learn from what they reveal
Notice how your heart and step are enlivened by the emotions that coexist in you.
Share a story about grief and gratitude here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor