Wake Up Call! – Holiday Memories Interrupting

When holiday memories interrupt you be awake to what they reveal.
This is the first Christmas without my Mom alive. I walked into a friend’s house this week and noticed the wine coasters my Mom had given them for Christmas last year. Pistachios so loved by her were in a bowl. The coasters and nuts interrupted the rhythm and grounding of my day.
I could have left it at that but instead invited awareness to what these simple items pointed to.
Memories of my Mom are fraught with complexity. Instead of creating a sainted plastic nite light out of them I prefer to allow their ambiguous truths to roam about reflecting the fullness of her life. Since that evening I’ve had a cavalcade of memories of her love of the holidays and family feasts.
The result is a daily invitation to me to be aware of decades of memories of holidays spent and not spent with my mother. I miss her childlike joy in the simple pleasures of watching the Rockefeller Center tree or opening a card. Her stressed approached to the holidays is my GPS to be organized! I’m grateful to be interrupted by memories about her haunted, happy and complex life. As the memories roam I linger with my own ambiguities.
When holiday memories interrupt:
Be awake to what they reveal
Be present to their ambiguities
Expect the interruption to be matched by surprise.
Notice how the interruption of memories is a gift to your journey.
Share your story of holiday memories here.
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor