Wake Up Call! – In Awe

Appreciating awe each day invites a mindful practice.
At a recent event I spoke at Jean approached me asking what I thought about awe. She said her spiritual practices had been expanded by the awe revealed in ordinary moments and encounters each day. She described how her matter-of-fact approach to life had given way to new engagement because of appreciating the awe found in a sunset, the story of another person or the gift of time spent talking to a friend.
I could have chosen to view it as an insightful observation. Instead I’ve found myself becoming more mindful about the awe that each day invites.
Jean’s question has presented a gift to me as I routinely invite myself to be present and awake to the awe to be discovered in the day ahead.
The result is that my appreciation of awe revealed in nature and ordinary human interactions each day lead me to greater thankfulness. Even in the difficulty of my mother’s last days of life I noticed my awe at the simple acts of kindness to her, to me and my family. Awe invites me into its presence when I am mindful about it.
Become mindful to awe around you:
Invite yourself to be present to awe each day
Notice and name it
Express gratitude for it
Notice how your appreciation of awe awakens you to the sacred in your midst.
Share your experiences of experiencing awe here.
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©2012 Robert V. Taylor