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Wake Up Call! – Joy Acknowledged


Acknowledging joy in the midst of your most trying days re-balances you.

I was driving over the mountains into Seattle in the rain this week. I was preoccupied by wet roads and a crashed server that has kept me from emails and my calendar. A cyclist in the far lane took his hands off the handle bars and raised them to the sky in a gesture of embrace. He did it again and gain.

I could have focused on whether this was normal or safe behavior but instead was captivated by the joy of his body language.

I was not tempted to take my hands off the steering wheel but my preoccupations shifted as I unexpectedly found myself thinking about the joys in my life.

I’m thankful to the cyclist for reminding me that my heart, spirit, mind and body have greater harmony when I choose to be mindful about all that brings joy to my life. Especially on the most trying or preoccupied days.


  • Choose to be mindful about the joys of life

  • Name those joys

  • Express gratitude for each one

Notice how acknowledging joy re-calibrates your days.

Share a story about joy here.

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©2013 Robert V. Taylor

Written by Robert Taylor