Wake Up Call! – Kindness Mantra

Living with the intention to practice an act of kindness each day is transformative.
Last week I remembered the words of a wise guide who once said, “Be intentional about practicing an act of kindness every day because it will become a life-changing mantra.” I was on a small commuter plane last week and noticed that a young child and her dad were not able to sit together.
I could have kept my coveted aisle seat but instead chose to switch seats so they could be together.
It was a simple thing to offer. I was unprepared for the gratitude of the father. My joy was in hearing the two of them chatting on the flight in the row behind me.
As I remembered the wise words that led me to begin each day with an intention to be kind I realized that this mantra for daily living is an opportunity to be aware of those around me. What word, gesture or act of kindness will present itself today?
Begin each day with an intention to be kind
Be aware of unexpected opportunities for kindness each day
Notice how the intention to be kind becomes a life-changing mantra in your daily interactions.
Share a story about kindness here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2014 Robert V. Taylor