Wake Up Call! – Let Go of What You Do Not Have

To be thankful for what you have let go of what you do not have.
I remember my first Thanksgiving as if it were yesterday. It was my first year after leaving South Africa and I’d been invited to two gatherings. I wasn’t sure what to make of pumpkin pie but I loved the extended family gatherings I was included in. And then I began to think of my family so far away and how the only family I would have would be the one I created.
In that moment I had a choice to focus on what I did not have or open my energy and spirit to something different.
I knew I could not live in a place of longing for what I did not have. I looked around the room and realized that I was blessed by those who had included me.
In my moments of regret or longing I always go back to that moment and remember the life-lesson it still teaches. How will you be thankful for what you have?
Let go of yearning for what you do not have
Be thankful for who and what you have today
Notice how being present to thankfulness enlivens you.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor