Wake Up Call! – Letting go of Frustration

My frustration closes me off from myself and others.
It was a difficult phone call trying to sort out a travel arrangement. I stepped outside as I spoke to the reservation agent. My frustration grew as a simple issue assumed the proportions of a major problem. After staring at them for a while I suddenly paid attention to the radiant colors of my Crocuses in bloom.
In that moment my choice was to remain consumed by frustration or to be present to the beauty in my own backyard.
I wondered why I was allowing myself to be consumed by the negative energy of frustration. The Universe seemed to be saying, “Pay attention” to what is around you.
I was smiling at this reminder about the choices I make. As I breathed in deeply and expressed my gratitude for the Crocus flowers I realized that my frustration serves only to enclose my life and energy. Then I noticed the frisky playfulness of the Squirrels who seemed to be celebrating the onset of spring. The radiant holiness of the Universe was claiming my attention and energy.
In times of frustration:
Be aware of the choices you make about the energy you are present to
Pay attention to people and nature around you
Invite the holiness of the Universe to surprise you
Notice how choosing to let go of frustration connects you to the rhythm and circle of life giving energy
Share a story about letting go of frustration here.
Loving with abandonment is a choice – click here to read!
Looking to end relationship dysfunction? – click here to read!
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
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©2013 Robert V. Taylor