Wake Up Call! – Life-Shaping Stories

The stories we tell shape our hearts and contour our journey.
I was once disappointed at my Dad for not being the kind of man I thought he could be. It was all about me! Then I began to pay attention to the stories I told about my dad and me.
Instead of choosing to hold on to disappointment, I chose to pay attention to what the stories reveal about him and our relationship.
Over the decades I receive new insights and wisdom from telling and retelling the same stories about the two of us. Perhaps it’s because I keep growing or that I’m open to new truths about our relationship.
The result is that disappointment has given way to gratitude for a man who was not raised to express his emotions but who made choices about being emotionally intimate in the best way he could. I’m hoping that my choices will be as expansive as his!
Choose to pay attention to the stories that shape you
Be open to new insights that they reveal
Express gratitude for how they live in your heart space
Notice how your journey is contoured by the stories of your life and the oneness with others that they point to.
Share a life-shaping story here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor