Wake Up Call! – Live Generously!

To err on the side of generosity towards others is a choice to live well.
I held open the door to the dry cleaners to allow a harried looking man to go ahead of me. He threw three pairs of trousers on the counter and barked, “Three” as he radiated fury and rudeness. The generosity of spirit of the woman who served him was striking. I commented on her kindness.
She said to me, “I always have a choice to live generously or not.”
As we spoke she said, “I could experience his fury and get drawn into his behavior but I choose to believe that by being kind he might get a glimpse of another way to live.”
The result of erring on the side of generosity is to live well by choosing the markers how to live in the present. How will I choose when confronted by the fury of another? I’m counting on the grace of generosity.
Mindfully err on the side of living generously each day
Be thankful for each person who tests the grace of generous living
Notice how you experience living well in the company of generosity.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor