Wake Up Call! – Love no Matter What?

Celebrate the people who love you no matter what and do the same for others.
In my early teens I tried to take my own life because being gay seemed like a terrible and fearful thing. So I took what I thought were enough aspirin to do the job. I was surprised when I woke up the next morning.
Instead of imagining ending my life I had a vivid image of my grandmother’s embracing me and expressing their love.
The constancy of their love was a life jacket to me. Years later I began to understand that their love, which had turned my thoughts to life and not death, was the threshold of the journey to loving myself.
I think of them with gratitude, even though they have been dead for decades. I celebrate their love and hope that I am doing the same for others. Whose love has been a saving grace to you and how will your love be a life-jacket to others?
Express your gratitude for those who have loved you no matter what
Be open to doing the same for others
Notice how your awareness of generous love expands your heart.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor