Wake Up Call! – Loving Encouragement

Every word or act of encouragement sheds light on the path.
A friend knew that I was unusually nervous about a TEDx talk that I was making last week. She sent me an email – “I believe you will be wonderful tomorrow. Just open your heart and be yourself and the audience will recognize themselves in you.” I kept re-reading it!
Instead of seeing it only for the generous message it was, I chose to receive it as a blessing of loving encouragement.
The talk went well. I went to it thinking about the words of my friend and as I spoke I had an image of her in the audience.
It’s resulted in my gratitude for her intuitive loving encouragement when I needed it. I’m more mindful of the opportunities before me today to express my encouragement to someone.
Each day:
Be open to the nervousness or uncertainty of another
Express your loving encouragement
Give thanks for the person as you entrust them to the blessings of the Universe
Notice how your own life is enriched by being part of a circle of loving encouragement.
Share a story about being encouraged here.
Join Robert at engagements in Miami & San Francisco
What does Passover teach us about our spiritual consciousness – click here to read
Robert talks Gay Marriage on FOX News – click here to watch
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor