Wake Up Call! – Nourishing Choices

Creating time with those you love is a choice to be part of a nourishing circle.
I was exasperated by the last minute invitation to attend a family celebration. How would I rearrange my schedule and how much would it cost to fly across the country at such short notice?
I could have chosen to dwell in my frustration but instead chose to be thankful for the invitation.
With some creativity I found an affordable flight. I found myself filled with expectancy about the trip as the day of departure drew closer.
The result was the gift of time with family – some of whom I’d not seen in a few years. In the sharing of family stories I was reminded of the circle of nourishment I was participating in. In the unhurried time of staying with my brother there was mutual gladness. I was thankful that my initial exasperation had not closed me off.
In your response to life’s invitations:
Acknowledge but see beyond an enclosing response
Be present to nourishing choices to be with those you love
Be awake to the gifts revealed in the now
Notice how your life is shaped by how you choose to respond to those who nourish you.
Share a story about your nourishing choices here.
Claim Your Authentic Voice – Click here to read
Take Charge of Your Life – click here to watch the video
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©2013 Robert V. Taylor