Wake Up Call! – Pause to Take Time

Pause to take time with a stranger or friend and be surprised by what it reveals.
A person I barely know wrote about how surprised he was that I stopped to chat with him while out walking. He said it revealed his dislike for the barriers of self-protection that he has built around his life. His self-realization made me think about my simple intuitive act of stopping to chat.
I wondered what drives the choices I make when I pause to take time with a stranger or friend.
Is it my natural curiosity about the stories of others? Is it my delight in knowing something about another person? Is it my life’s belief at work that we need one another?
Perhaps there is no single answer. I’m grateful to the many who took the time to comment on our unplanned conversation. It’s made me more mindful of paying attention to my intuition in pausing during the day to spend some time with a friend or stranger.
Allow yourself to pause and take time with others
Be attentive to what it reveals to you
Notice how unplanned time with others inspires, motivates or enlivens life.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor