Wake Up Call! – Sharing in Joy

Celebrating the joy of a friend’s success is a privilege of love.
For many years I’ve been intrigued by each step of a major project that a friend has worked on. I’m awed by it. I’ve admired his belief in his work when doors once open to it closed. He was elated recently when a major opportunity to presented itself for his project. I was surprised by my mixed reactions.
Would I allow my protectiveness or my joy for him to be what I focused on?
Surely this wasn’t about me? Acknowledging my feelings of protectiveness for him I was able to be present to his gladness.
My joy began to be translated into how I could practically support him for this potential breakthrough. He said to several of us, “The greatest thing you can do right now is love me and share my joy because it feeds me for my upcoming presentation.” What a privilege of love!
Be present to the joys and successes of others
Love them generously
Offer your own anxieties to the Universe.
Notice how you participation in the joy of another expands your heart of gratitude.
Share a story about participating in joy here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor