Wake Up Call! – The Gratitude Surprise

Be prepared to be surprised by gratitude.
Each year on my birthday I begin the day by entering into gratitude. I start by naming people who have shaped me. Then I offer an intention to be surprised by gratitude throughout the day.
I could choose to see my birthday as a day much like any other but this practice brings surprises.
This year rich childhood memories of my parents were joined by unexpected memories of those who have disturbed my life or caused pain to me.
The surprise was the reminder that those who brought about painful or upending experiences gave me an unintended gift. It is a gift of intentionality about choosing what grounds my life. With gratitude I offer an intention for the well-being of my unexpected gift-bearers. Who and what will you be grateful for?
Express your gratitude for at least one person today
Offer your intention to be surprised by gratitude
Notice the unexpected surprises gratitude brings to your life.
Share a story about gratitude here.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor