Wake Up Call! – Tripped Up for Good?

Stress is my heart’s way of tripping me up in order to stop and focus on what matters.
Two nights in a row I prepared meals to have for weekend guests. In spite of my love of cooking I was stressed out on the first night. It felt like a chore and every thought and word of mine was unpleasant.
Instead of stoically pressing on I stepped back from the stove and kitchen mess to breathe deeply.
“What’s that all about?” I asked aloud. I smiled at myself for being curmudgeon-like then asked myself, “Do you want to be owned by your stress or is there another choice?” My stress had tripped me up in order to take stock.
I thought of how blessed I am by the friends who were coming to visit. Several tasks were re-imagined and my stress dethroned. In its place I marvel at the blessing, delight and laughter of those who expand my heart. Will I remain focused this week on what matters?
Be awake to what trips you up in order to grab your attention
Be aware of your choices about what matters to your life
Notice how the things that trip you up loose their power when you give your heart and time to what matters.
Share a story about being tripped up here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor