Wake Up Call! – Unclutter Your Life?

Unclutter yourself from life-draining images you once thought were normal.
Marcus said, “I spent decades knowing only a harsh, judgmental religion that was my dad’s. I felt an immobilizing shame about it. But I’m on a great adventure of discovering a spirituality that is life-giving.”
Instead of remaining enclosed by old images Marcus choose to unclutter in order to discover new life.
With mindfulness Marcus began to name the judgment, fear, control and submissiveness of a constraining past; he developed rituals for releasing them and from the power he had given them.
The result is that Marcus has been free to discover a spirituality of love, kindness and compassion that nurture and challenge his daily life. “My life feels uncluttered, expansive and engaged as I continue to grow; these new truths are life-giving” he said.
When you unclutter your life:
Be honest about naming that which you are detaching from
Offer them without rancor to the care of the Universe
Invite compassion, love and kindness to reside in you
Notice how uncluttering opens you to a new normal of life-giving spirit and energy.
Share a story about uncluttering here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor