Wake Up Call! – Unexpected Guides

I’m grateful for the unexpected people who mysteriously appear as guides in my life.
I was at the end of a three hour hike of some ancient caves when I realized that I was lost and could not find my way back to the trail. I was caught in a grove of trees not able to see a way out. The sun was beginning to set and I’d only seen two other people on the trail. I panicked.
Instead of dwelling with the panic I chose to do some breathing exercises and invite calm clarity.
There was a rustling among the trees and I called out. Much to my relief a hiker appeared and pointed me through the trees and back onto a trail.
I was reminded of the way in which the Universe provides the guides we need when we are open to their presence. Today I am open to what a loving Universe will provide.
Be aware of your need of the guidance of others
Be open to those who appear as unexpected gifts
Notice how your connection with others shifts when you are ready to receive guidance.
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A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor