Wake Up Call! – Unexpected Joy

Sharing a task with others opens your heart to unexpected joy.
I love to cook – the planning, shopping and work in the kitchen. It is creative mindfulness. Years ago I was flustered by a friend who unexpectedly took charge of making two of the dishes I was cooking. This was not according to plan!
Beyond my initial panic of losing control of the meal I chose to enter into the moment.
My friend did not create the dishes as I would have. I was surprised by his imaginative creation. Years later I enjoy the spirit of cooking with others.
Sharing of tasks transforms them. In place of solitary cooking I discover unexpected joy in the conversation, creativity and companionship of kitchen friends. What will I mindfully chose?
Be awake to the tasks that can be shared with others
Be open to the unexpected joy and communion they invite
Notice how your heart expands with gladness as you share in tasks with others.
Share a story about unexpected joy here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor