Wake Up Call! – Your Labels

When people label you can choose to honor, reject or redefine the label.
What labels have been applied to you? I remember the first time I was called a faggot. I was 13 years old and I cringed with fear, shame, anger and rejection. I knew that I was gay and the label was intended to diminish and demean.
I could choose to accept the terror of the label or I could wrestle with a richer truth that seemed hard to articulate at that age.
Over the years I befriended the “f…..” label as I accepted who I am. When I hear that word I feel affection toward it even though I know it is still a weapon for others.
I’ve learned that a myriad of labels used to define me can be interpreted in many ways for good or ill. When I am grounded in who I am I can honor their goodness, redefine their intent, or reject them. What will you do with the labels used about you?
Remember not to cede your life to the labeling of others
Be mindfully grounded in the richness of who you are
Notice how a label can be transformed and free you for goodness.
Share a story about labels here.
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2014 Robert V. Taylor