Wake Up Call! – Your Mother’s Day Blessing

Naming your blessings is a reminder of who has blessed your journey.
My mother was not the easiest person. She was adept at isolating herself by her words and acts. She was also funny, proud of her sons and unexpectedly kind to strangers. It was an often confounding and complex mix of traits.
On Mother’s Day I choose to remember the blessings that she gave and left behind.
In naming the sacrifices she made for my benefit I am humbled. In her joy of entertaining I discovered the gift of hospitality. In her harsh judgments of others I was pointed to another way of experiencing life.
Like many she was doing the best she could with the tools she had. As she lay dying in our home she asked us, “Why do you love me so much?” It was a final blessing that loving another person is not in spite of them, but because of whom they are. Naming her blessings is a blessing. Whose blessings will you give thanks for today?
Name the blessings that someone has bestowed on you
Ask to be a blessing to someone today
Notice how naming blessings allows you to be grateful for the complexities of your own life and those you love.
Share a story about blessings here.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor