Wake Up Call! – Your Self-Compassion

The path beyond being harsh on yourself is the way of self-compassion.
I was reflecting on a recent speaking engagement and berating myself for not answering a question as clearly as I could have. Yes, such moments are invitations to learn but there I was being harsh about it.
I could have stayed under that negative cloud but instead chose the path of self-compassion.
As I mindfully recalled the engagement I visualized the audience – the engaged faces and body language, the insightful array of questions and people lingering to talk afterwards. As I gave thanks for those present I felt compassion for each person.
Yes, I had done a good job! I was able to be tender, appreciative and compassionate to myself for all that was done well. The harshness began to dissipate in the life-giving light of compassion. What will self-compassion reveal to you?
Acknowledge it when you are being harsh on yourself
Name the beauty in you and in what you do
Notice how the way of self-compassion quickens your delight in yourself and others.
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©2014 Robert V. Taylor