Wake Up Call! – Your Time

How will your choices about time shape your life?
I’m not always as wise about the use of my time as I’d like to be. One of my dearest friends visited from another country recently and my inner struggle with the precious commodity of time reared its head.
Would I choose to allow my project driven use of time to prevail or would I allow myself to cherish time with a special friend?
I was reminded that my choices were a false construct. I could choose to savor the time with my friend and reserve time for work.
I discovered new appreciation for the richness of our friendship and its shaping of my life. The passage of those days cannot be replaced but the gift of what I experienced continues to live on. How will I choose to mindfully use my time this week?
Be aware of the choices you make about time today
Be mindful of how those choices shape who you are
Notice how life-giving use of time is a gift to be celebrated.
Share a story about time here.
Transform Your Life! – cut the drama! Robert on Emotional Mojo
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2014 Robert V. Taylor