WakeUp Call! – Your Blessings

What blessings are you willing to have fill your day?
I was on a New York subway this week as a disheveled but dignified man came into the car carrying a small milk carton as an offering plate. “If you can help me with some money I’d be grateful. But if you can spare some food I’d be just as grateful” he said. Then he added, “Have a blessed day.”
I could have assumed he was yet another panhandler. But I was captivated by his blessing freely bestowed to all.
When I got off at my stop I noticed him ahead of me heading to sit on a bench. So I sat down next to him. Hector said he was down on his luck but filled with thankfulness for all who had blessed his life over the decades.
I keep thinking of this gentle, generous man. Blessings received in his life are blessings he freely shares with others. I wondered if my day was too focused on the meeting I was heading to. What blessings would I be awake to? Which blessings would I would bestow on others? Was Hector reminding me of something?
Are you awake to blessings today?
What blessings will you bestow on others?
Will the blessings of your life affect how you engage with others?
Notice how attentiveness to blessings shift your experience of yourself, the Holy and others.
Share a story about blessings here.
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What does Passover teach us about our spiritual consciousness – click here to read
Robert talks Gay Marriage on FOX News – click here to watch
A New Way to Be Human – available at Amazon, B&N and your local Indie book store.
©2013 Robert V. Taylor